
/** drop-down button needed ; and different font needed*/

What is Replit?

Replit is a collaborative platform allowing anyone to learn how to program and give the opportunity to work with other programmers. For more information about Replit, I recommend checking their introduction-page.

What is VisualStudioCode?

VisualStudioCode is an installation/application that allows anyone to program using a vast variety of programming languages. It is not a collaborative platform compared to Replit.

What platforms/sites can I use to write Python?

There are a lot of platforms that support Python if that's your desired programming language. As mentioned before, sites such as replit and VisualStudioCode are platforms that allow programmers to using programming languages like Python.

What programs/sites can I use to write Java?

What blocks/icons can be used to make a pop-up message in vbs [notepad only]

There are around 5 blocks and 5 icons that displays the kind of pop-up message you want to create. Blocks are simply the response types that are made inside the pop-up message. For example, an error tab that gives you a "no" or "yes" button - that is a block. An icon is the sort of tab displayed - whether it is an eror, warning, informational, or even a regular tab.

An example of a pop-up message

How do these pop-up messages look like?